Legal Services for Insurance Companies

Michał Rokita

Attorney at Law

Expert with several years of experience in providing legal services for large financial institutions, in particular to pursue claims, and for insurance companies in court proceedings in the field of protection of rights arising from compulsory and voluntary insurance.

A graduate of uniform master's studies in law studies in the full-time system at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Rzeszów with a master's degree obtained in 2016.

He obtained the professional title of Attorney at Law in 2022, after completing legal counsel training at the District Chamber of Attorney at Law in Warsaw.

He has been associated with our Law Firm since 2017. On a daily basis, he deals with the protection of the rights of insurance companies both in the scope of fulfilling the obligations arising from compulsory and voluntary insurance and the recovery of cash receivables. He takes action at the judicial and extrajudicial stages.

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